How to get the Climbing Gear: Tears of the Kingdom

In the world of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Climbing Gear set stands out as a pinnacle of agility and utility. It bears a resemblance to the revered Barbarian Armor, a beloved relic from Breath of the Wild. Yet, the path to obtaining these coveted pieces takes a divergent course. If your aspiration is to ascend the most challenging cliffs with unparalleled swiftness, look no further than the Climbing Gear set.

As you embark on your journey, keep in mind that information about this remarkable armor often unveils itself organically during your adventures. Conversations with non-playable characters (NPCs) may reveal hints about the whereabouts of one of its components, and serendipity might lead you to stumble upon treasure maps intricately linked to this invaluable gear. Nevertheless, the beauty of this guide lies in its ability to spare you from unnecessary toil; you won’t be obliged to search for such in-game clues to access the treasured chests containing the Climbing Gear set.

climbing gear tears of the kingdom

Within the following guide, we will unravel the secrets of locating not only the Climbing Gear but also its companions: the Climber’s Bandana and the Climbing Boots. With these three pieces combined, you will unlock the epitome of climbing speed, ensuring that no precipice remains unconquered in your epic adventure through Tears of the Kingdom. Prepare to scale the heights with utmost velocity as we unveil the precise locations and strategies for obtaining this remarkable Climbing Gear set in Zelda’s wondrous realm.

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How to Find the Hidden Location of Climbing Gear Tears of the Kingdom

CLIMBING GEAR LOCATION climbing gear tears of the kingdom

To obtain the coveted Climbing Gear, venture into the depths of the North Hyrule Plain Cave, its coordinates (-1188, 0646, 0072) etched into the map. This cavernous treasure trove resides northwest of Lookout Landing, nestled between the main road leading from Carok Bridge to North Hyrule Plain. If your travels take you towards New Serenne Stable, take a momentary detour to your right, for that’s where the cave’s entrance is perched on the side of a hill.

Like Likes

Like Likes climbing gear tears of the kingdom

As you make your way inside, brace yourself for the unwelcome presence of two menacing Like Likes. Dispatching them is imperative. Now, the true test of agility begins as you ascend. The left wall proves to be a more manageable route, as venturing into the water invites perilous slips. Your only recourse lies in precise jumps or seeking ways to dry Link’s attire; a strategically placed campfire can prove invaluable in such predicaments.


Horriblin climbing gear tears of the kingdom

Continuing your ascent, you’ll soon encounter a pair of cascading waterfalls. Prepare for a confrontation with a Horriblin as you proceed. This leads you to a path on the cave’s right side, with two waterfalls to your left, one nestled below the other.


Venture boldly into the uppermost waterfall’s embrace, the chest room lying tantalizingly on the other side. If you possess the Ultrahand, its scanning abilities will aid you in spotting the chest amidst the environment.

Climbing Gear

As the chest yields its secrets, the Climbing Gear is revealed—a formidable armor piece boasting a +3 defense stat and a remarkable enhancement of your climbing speed. With this newfound treasure in your possession, you’re poised to ascend the heights of Zelda’s Tears of the Kingdom with unparalleled swiftness and grace.

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How to Find the Hidden Location of Climbing Boots

CLIMBING BOOTS LOCATION climbing gear tears of the kingdom

The quest for the Climbing Boots within Tears of the Kingdom takes us to the enigmatic Upland Zorana Byroad, positioned at the coordinates (2858, 0354, 0227). This cave lies to the west of the illustrious Zora’s Domain, to the north of the tranquil Ralis Pond, and east of the meandering Zora River, all meticulously charted on the map.

Upland Zorana Byroad

Navigating this labyrinthine cave can initially bewilder the uninitiated, but fear not, for the path to these sought-after boots is revealed. Upon entering, you find yourself in a capacious chamber adorned with a small pool of water, where the passage diverges into two distinct routes.

To the left, a formidable Like Like clings to the wall, its rocky guise concealing a guarded passage. The rightward path, the one we shall tread, harbors another concealed Like Like, with a wall gap serving as your gateway to it.

Confronting this adversary is a choice you must make, or continue your advance. The path leads you downward, culminating in a vine-clad wall at the far end. Armed with a sharp weapon, such as a sword or an axe, you can cut a path through the vegetation. Alternatively, if lacking such a tool, a well-placed bomb flower can prove invaluable. Keep an eye out for these explosive flora; they are scattered throughout the cave, waiting to be harnessed for your benefit.

Continuing your exploration, you’ll encounter a chamber submerged beneath water, adorned with statues and ancient ruins. Though it may appear daunting, the solution is surprisingly straightforward. Traverse this submerged domain, either by swimming or by hopping atop the resilient ruins to maintain buoyancy, and reach the opposing end.

Ultrahand’s grasp

There, a door awaits, beckoning you to employ the Ultrahand’s grasp. With a deft maneuver, slide the door upwards, thereby draining the chamber of its aqueous burden. Notably, unlike similar mechanisms in other caves, no Recall is required to maintain the door’s position. Hold it aloft until the water vanishes entirely, after which you may release it.

With the watery impediment removed, the chamber unfolds new opportunities for exploration. Newly accessible doors beckon your curiosity, but the one housing the coveted Climbing Boots rests beneath the staircase on the right side of the now-raised door.

Climbing Boots

Venture forth into this chamber, where the chest cradling the Climbing Boots awaits. This remarkable armor piece boasts a substantial +3 defense rating and a profound enhancement of your climbing speed, ensuring you ascend the heights of Tears of the Kingdom with unmatched grace and efficiency.

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How to Find the Hidden Location of the Climber’s Bandana

Climber's Bandana climbing gear tears of the kingdom

To secure the coveted Climber’s Bandana headpiece, your quest leads you to the heart of the formidable Ploymus Mountain Cave, hidden away at coordinates (3663, 0539, 0272). This cavernous treasure trove rests to the east of the renowned Zora’s Domain, and as you ascend towards the majestic Mipha Court at the peak, you’ll inevitably stumble upon the serene Lulu Lake.

Ploymus Mountain Cave

The cave’s layout may appear deceptively simple, yet its navigation presents a formidable challenge. To traverse it successfully, you’ll need to ascend a multitude of surfaces that stretch before you. Just as in the caves you’ve previously conquered, the ever-present moisture, be it rain or the nearby lake, threatens to make your ascent precarious.

Ploymus Mountain Cave climbing gear tears of the kingdom

To maximize your chances of success, it’s advisable to save the acquisition of this headpiece for last. By then, you’ll enjoy the dual benefits of enhanced climbing speed from the Climbing Boots and the Climbing Gear. Patience is your ally in this endeavor.

Commence your ascent by favoring the left side of the cave. Employ wall-climbing techniques, ascending to a suitable height, and swiftly transition to the adjacent ledge. Keep an eye out for rocks, offering respite amidst the climb. If one ledge appears unreachable, remember that its counterpart on the opposite side often proves a viable alternative—a rule of thumb that has saved many adventurers in this cave.

As your journey unfolds, shift towards the right side of the cave, and from there, execute a graceful paraglide back to the left side. Draw closer to the cave’s farthest extremity, where an unusually expansive ledge awaits your arrival. Ascend the wall positioned to the left of this ledge, subsequently making a calculated leap to reach it.

Climber’s Bandana

With this final climb completed, you’ll find yourself on elevated terrain. Your remaining task is to traverse an open passageway to your right, leading directly into the long-awaited treasure chamber. The chest concealed within harbors the precious Climber’s Bandana. This remarkable headpiece not only bolsters your defense with a +3 rating but also further amplifies your climbing speed.

With the Climber’s Bandana now in your possession, the triumphant culmination of your efforts completes the Climbing Armor set—a testament to your skill and determination in the world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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Enhancing Your Climbing Gear: Upgrades, Effects, and Set Bonuses

The Climbing Gear set isn’t just a stylish ensemble; it’s a practical tool for conquering those daunting cliffs in Tears of the Kingdom. Each piece in this set contributes to one essential goal – faster climbing. It lives up to its name by enhancing your ability to scale cliffs with remarkable speed. But that’s not all. When you have all three pieces upgraded to two stars or higher and don them together, you unlock the coveted Climbing Jump Stamina Up set bonus. This bonus feature reduces the amount of stamina required for those crucial cliff-jumping maneuvers.

To transform your Climbing Gear into a true asset, you’ll need to seek out the Great Fairies for upgrades. The path to upgrading is not without its costs, and here’s a breakdown:

1-star (5 defense):

Requires 3 Keese wings, 3 rushrooms, and a modest 10 rupees.

2-star (8 defense):

Demands 5 Electric Keese wings, 5 hightail lizards, and 50 rupees for the next level.

3-star (12 defense):

Upgrading to this level entails gathering 8 Ice Keese wings, 10 hot-footed frogs, and 200 rupees.

4-star (20 defense):

The pinnacle of Climbing Gear demands a grand total of 10 Fire Keese wings, 20 swift violets, and a substantial 500 rupees.

In your quest to enhance all three components of the Climbing Gear set, you’ll need a diverse array of materials: 9 rushrooms, 15 hightail lizards, 30 hot-footed frogs, 60 swift violets, 9 Keese wings, 15 Electric Keese wings, 24 Ice Keese wings, 30 Fire Keese wings, and a treasury of 2,280 rupees.

Once you’ve successfully upgraded your Climbing Gear Tears of the Kingdom set and scaled the cliffs with newfound agility, it’s time to explore further possibilities. Consult our comprehensive list of armor sets and their associated bonuses to unearth your next adventure. Alternatively, explore our expert recommendations for the finest armor choices to elevate your journey in Tears of the Kingdom. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the latest gaming insights and tips.

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Q1: Where can I find the Climbing Gear: Tears of the Kingdom?

A1: The Climbing Gear Tears of the Kingdom set can be found in different locations:

  • Climbing Gear: Inside the North Hyrule Plain Cave, northwest of Lookout Landing.
  • Climbing Boots: Located in Upland Zorana Byroad, west of the Zora’s Domain.
  • Climber’s Bandana: Found inside Ploymus Mountain Cave, east of the Zora’s Domain.
Q2: How do I access the North Hyrule Plain Cave for the Climbing Gear?

A2: To reach the North Hyrule Plain Cave, head northwest from Lookout Landing and find the entrance on the side of a hill. It’s also on the main road converging from Carok Bridge to North Hyrule Plain.

Q3: What challenges will I face inside the North Hyrule Plain Cave?

A3: Inside the cave, you’ll encounter Like Likes and water obstacles. Climbing is essential. And you’ll need to navigate past waterfalls and enemies to reach the treasure chest containing the Climbing Gear.

Q4: Where are the Climbing Boots located in Upland Zorana Byroad?

A4: The Climbing Boots can be found inside Upland Zorana Byroad, a cave west of the Zora’s Domain. The main route leads through a room with a small pool of water.

Q5: How can I overcome obstacles in the Upland Zorana Byroad cave?

A5: While inside the cave, you’ll encounter Like Likes and flooded rooms. Use sharp weapons or bomb flowers to clear the path. Manipulate doors to drain water and access the Climbing Boots chest.

Q6: Where is the Climber’s Bandana located in Ploymus Mountain Cave?

A6: The Climber’s Bandana can be found inside Ploymus Mountain Cave, east of the Zora’s Domain. As you climb toward Mipha Court at the peak.

Q7: What’s the recommended approach for navigating Ploymus Mountain Cave?

A7: It’s advised to leave the Climber’s Bandana for last. With the Climbing Boots and Climbing Gear equipped, take the left side.Use walls for climbing, and strategically jump between ledges. Be cautious while climbing in wet conditions.

Q8: How can I upgrade the Climbing Gear set in Tears of the Kingdom?

A8: You can upgrade the Climbing Gear Tears of the Kingdom set at a Great Fairy. Here are the requirements for each upgrade:

  • 1-star (5 defense): 3 Keese wings, 3 rushrooms, 10 rupees.
  • 2-star (8 defense): 5 Electric Keese wings, 5 hightail lizards, 50 rupees.
  • 3-star (12 defense): 8 Ice Keese wings, 10 hot-footed frogs, 200 rupees.
  • 4-star (20 defense): 10 Fire Keese wings, 20 swift violets, 500 rupees.

Q9: What is the set bonus for having all three Climbing Gear pieces upgraded to two-star or higher?

A9: Once you have all three Climbing Gear pieces upgraded to two-star or higher and equipped. Then you unlock the Climbing Jump Stamina Up set bonus. This bonus reduces the amount of stamina required for cliff-jumping.

Q10: What materials and rupees are required to upgrade all three pieces of the Climbing Gear set?

A10: To fully upgrade the Climbing Gear set, you’ll need various materials.These include Keese wings, rushrooms, lizards, frogs, violets, and rupees. In total, it requires 9 rushrooms, 15 hightail lizards, 30 hot-footed frogs, 60 swift violets. Also, 9 Keese wings, 15 Electric Keese wings, 24 Ice Keese wings, 30 Fire Keese wings, and 2,280 rupees.

For more details on armor sets and their bonuses, consult our comprehensive guide or explore our recommendations for the best armor in Tears of the Kingdom.

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In conclusion, acquiring the Climbing Gear Tears of the Kingdom is essential for adventurers seeking to scale the kingdom’s cliffs with speed and ease. This agile armor set, reminiscent of its predecessor in Breath of the Wild, offers a significant boost to climbing speed. You may stumble upon hints and treasure maps related to this set during your travels. So, this guide provides precise locations for each piece: the Climbing Gear, Climber’s Bandana, and Climbing Boots. Additionally, upgrading these pieces grants the Climbing Jump Stamina Up set bonus, reducing the stamina cost of cliff-jumping. To fully upgrade the set, gather a variety of materials and rupees. With the Climbing Gear set in your arsenal, you’ll conquer the kingdom’s heights with confidence and efficiency.

Happy Gaming!!!

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