How to Raise Hand in Zoom Meetings

Raising your hand in Zoom meetings is a fundamental aspect of virtual communication that allows participants to engage and contribute to discussions actively. Whether you’re attending a meeting on Windows, macOS, iPhone, or Android, or even joining via dial-in calls, knowing how to raise hand in Zoom is essential for effectively expressing your thoughts and ideas. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to raise your hand in Zoom, ensuring that your voice is heard and your presence is felt in the virtual realm. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of raising your hand in Zoom to actively participate and make an impact during online meetings.

How To Raise Hand in Zoom

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How to Raise Your Hand in Zoom on Windows and macOS:

  1. Access the Reactions Menu: During a meeting, locate the toolbar at the bottom center of your screen. Click on the “Reactions” icon, the 6th option from the left.Reactions
  2. Raise Your Hand: After clicking the “Reactions” icon, a new window will pop up on your screen. You will find the “Raise Hand” button in the bottom right corner of this window. Click on this button to raise your hand as a participant.Raise Hand
  3. Confirmation: Once you’ve raised your hand, you will see an emoji hand next to your name in the participant listing. Additionally, a “raised hand” icon will appear in the top right-hand corner of the Zoom screen.emoji hand on the screen
  4. Lower Your Hand: To lower your hand, simply click the same button labeled “Raise Hand,” which will now be replaced with “Lower Hand.”Lower Hand

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Shortcut for Windows and macOS:

If you prefer keyboard shortcuts to raise or lower your hand., you can use:

  • On Windows: Alt+Y
  • On macOS: Option+Y

How to Raise Your Hand in Zoom on iPhone or Android Mobile Devices:

  1. Access the Options Menu: During a meeting on the Zoom mobile app, locate the toolbar in the bottom right corner of your screen and click on the three horizontal dots labeled “More.”More
  2. Raise Your Hand: In the pop-up menu, tap on “Raise Hand” to indicate your intention to speak or contribute.Raise Hand in Zoom
  3. Confirmation: Your raised hand will be indicated by the hand emoji at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, if you click on the “Participants” icon, you will see your hand raised next to your name.Participants
  4. Lower Your Hand: To lower your hand, return to the “More” menu and click on “Lower Hand,” replacing the previous “Raise Hand” option.Lower Hand

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How to Raise Your Hand in Zoom Dial-In Calls:

If you join a Zoom meeting through dial-in calls, follow these steps to raise your hand:

  1. Dial *9 on your phone’s dial pad to raise your hand during the meeting.dial *9 on your phone
  2. To lower your hand, dial *9 again.

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Mastering the skill of raising your hand in Zoom meetings empowers you to actively participate and contribute to virtual discussions. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, iPhone, Android, or dialing in, these step-by-step instructions have provided you with the knowledge to confidently engage in online communication. By raising your hand, you ensure your voice is heard and add a valuable skill to your digital communication repertoire. Start raising your hand in Zoom and make your virtual presence count.


Q: Why should I raise my hand in Zoom meetings?

A: Raising your hand in Zoom meetings allows you to actively participate and contribute to discussions. It signifies your intention to speak or ask a question, ensuring that your voice is heard and your ideas are acknowledged.

Q: Can I raise my hand in Zoom meetings regardless of the device I’m using?

A: Yes, you can raise your hand in Zoom meetings regardless of whether you’re using Windows, macOS, iPhone, Android, or even joining via dial-in calls. The process may vary slightly depending on the device, but the functionality remains the same.

Q: Are there any specific system requirements to raise my hand in Zoom?

A: To raise your hand in Zoom, ensure that you have the appropriate version of the Zoom desktop client or mobile app installed. Check the compatibility requirements mentioned in the article to ensure a smooth experience.

Q: Can I lower my hand after raising it in Zoom meetings?

A: Yes, you can lower your hand in Zoom meetings. Simply follow the instructions provided in the article to locate the “Lower Hand” option, which allows you to lower your hand when you no longer wish to speak or contribute.

Q: Is there a shortcut to raise or lower my hand in Zoom?

A: Yes, Zoom provides keyboard shortcuts for raising or lowering your hand. On Windows, you can use the Alt+Y shortcut, while on macOS, you can use the Option+Y shortcut. Refer to the article for more details on using keyboard shortcuts.

Q: Can I raise my hand during dial-in calls in Zoom?

A: Absolutely! Even during Zoom dial-in calls, you can raise your hand to indicate your desire to contribute. Simply dial *9 on your phone’s dial pad to raise your hand, and dial *9 again to lower it.

Q: Will others be able to see that I’ve raised my hand in Zoom meetings?

A: Yes, when you raise your hand in Zoom meetings, your hand icon or emoji will appear next to your name in the participant listing. This visual cue ensures that the meeting organizer and other participants are aware of your raised hand.

Q: Can I raise my hand anonymously in Zoom meetings?

A: No, raising your hand in Zoom meetings is not an anonymous action. The purpose of raising your hand is to actively participate and engage in the discussion, and therefore, your identity will be associated with your raised hand.

Q: Can I customize the hand emoji used to indicate a raised hand in Zoom?

A: Currently, Zoom does not offer customization options for the hand emoji used to indicate a raised hand. The default hand emoji will be displayed when you raise your hand.

Q: Are there any limitations on the number of times I can raise or lower my hand in Zoom meetings?

A: There are typically no limitations on the number of times you can raise or lower your hand in Zoom meetings. You can freely use this feature as needed throughout the duration of the meeting.

Hope this article helped you in raising your hand in Zoom. If you have any queries left, let us know in the comments.

Good luck!!!

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