How to Make macOS faster: Helpful Storage Tips for a Faster Mac

Is your trusty Mac moving at the speed of a sloth on a lazy Sunday afternoon? No worries, we’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll show you some nifty tricks to declutter your macOS and get it running as smoothly as freshly greased gear. No need for techy jargon – just easy and effective tips to give your Mac a turbo boost.

MacOS Storage updates for Faster Mac

Clean Up Clutter

Delete Unwanted Apps

First things first – let’s Marie Kondo, your Mac. Say goodbye to those apps that are collecting digital dust. Just head over to your Applications folder, spot the ones you never use, and drag them into the Trash. It’s like spring cleaning but for your computer.

Clear Cache Files

Cache files are like the crumbs in your digital couch. Over time, they accumulate and take up space. You can get rid of them by venturing into Library > Caches. Cleaning out your cache is like a spa day for your Mac.

Clear Purgeable Data

Purgeable data, including downloaded files, old backups, and more, is like the secret storage hoarder on your Mac. To find and clear this space, you can learn how to find purgeable files on Mac. Simply go to Apple Menu > About This Mac > Storage > Manage, and wave goodbye to those purgeable files. Your MacOS will breathe a sigh of relief.

Streamline Your Downloads

Manage Downloads Folder

Your Downloads folder can be a chaotic abyss where files vanish into thin air. Take a moment to sort through it, delete what’s become digital dead weight, and tidy up the rest. A clean Downloads folder is like a decluttered workspace for your Mac.

Use iCloud Drive

Consider using iCloud Drive to store your important documents and files in the cloud. This not only frees up space on your Mac but also ensures that your data is safe and accessible from anywhere. It’s like having your own digital safety deposit box.

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Optimize Your Storage

Enable Optimized Storage

macOS has a nifty trick up its sleeve – “Optimized Storage.” It’s like a smart storage manager that automatically offloads files you don’t use often to the cloud. To activate it, go to Apple Menu > About This Mac > Storage > Manage, and flip the switch. Your Mac will thank you by performing like a champ.

Empty Trash Regularly

The Trash can sometimes play hide-and-seek with your deleted files, secretly hogging space. Make it a habit to empty the Trash regularly by right-clicking on the Trash icon in your Dock and selecting “Empty Trash.” It’s like taking out the digital garbage.

Find and Delete Large Files

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search is your digital detective. Just type in “large files” or “big files,” and it will uncover those storage-gobbling culprits. You can then decide which ones to bid adieu to.

Disk Inventory X

For a more visual approach, try third-party apps like Disk Inventory X. It provides a visual map of your storage and highlights what’s devouring your precious space. It’s like having a digital treasure map for your Mac.

Unload Unused Language Files


Your Mac comes with a multilingual library, but let’s be honest – you probably only speak a couple of those languages. Monolingual is your trusty sidekick to bid farewell to the language files you don’t need, reclaiming valuable storage space.

Trim Down Dictionaries

Dictionaries also take up room on your Mac. Go to Dictionary > Preferences and uncheck the languages you don’t need. It’s like decluttering your bookshelf but in the digital realm.

Keep Your Desktop Clean

Create Folders

A cluttered desktop can make your Mac feel sluggish. Create folders and organize your files. A tidy desktop is like a clear canvas, ready for your next digital masterpiece.

Use Stacks

If you’re too busy to organize files manually, let Stacks come to the rescue. Right-click on your desktop and pick “Use Stacks.” It’ll group similar files together, making your desktop look sleek and organized. Your Mac will appreciate the decluttering effort.

Update macOS Regularly

Keep Software Up to Date

Just like a car needs regular maintenance, your Mac thrives with updates. Apple releases macOS updates to fix bugs and enhance performance. So, make sure your Mac is always running the latest version. Just go to Apple Menu > About This Mac > Software Update. It’s like feeding your Mac a balanced diet to keep it healthy.

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Clean Up Your Desktop Regularly

Create a “To Sort” Folder

If your desktop resembles a chaotic digital battlefield, it can slow down your Mac. So, create a folder called “To Sort” and move all those scattered files into it. You can organize them at your leisure, and your desktop will breathe easier.

Regularly Empty Trash

It’s easy to forget, but don’t neglect your Trash. Empty it regularly, not just for files but for apps as well. Some apps leave support files and preferences in the Trash, which can still consume space.

Manage Spotlight Indexing

Exclude Folders

If you’ve got folders that don’t need to be searched by Spotlight (like temporary folders), you can exclude them. Go to System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy and add those folders to the exclusion list.

Rebuild Spotlight Index

If your Mac’s search function is acting funky, rebuilding the Spotlight index can help. Simply go to System Preferences > Spotlight > Index Now. This will create a fresh index and improve search performance.

Manage Login Items on your MacOS

Unnecessary Login Items

Some apps like to launch themselves at login, which might cause your Mac to take longer to boot. Examine your login items in System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items and disable any that aren’t required at startup.

Use Fast User Switching

Instead of logging out, try using Fast User Switching if you share your Mac with others. It enables many users to keep their accounts open at the same time, reducing the time it takes to switch between them. It’s similar to giving your Mac a multi-user boost.

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